Uchitta Bhagavathy is the main Theyam in the category of Mantra Murti. Uchitta Bhagavathy is a Theyam with a humorous nature who speaks and behaves in a very funny manner. Uchitta Bhagwati’s abode is Adiyeri Illum(Home), a prominent magical Illam. Uchitta Bhagwati is also known as Adiyeri Madathil Uchitta Amma. Apart from Adiyeri, Uchitta Bhagavathy also has a place in the magical temples of Pullancheri, Kalakadu, Kattu Madam and Bhattanam.
There are many stories about the origin of Uchitta Bhagwati. The story related to the birth of Lord Sri Krishna is very popular in those. A devine word heard in sky that the evil King Kamsa will be killed by his sister’s Yashoda’s eighth child. Frightened by this, cruel Kamsan brutally kills every child born to his sister. Krishna was born as the eighth child but instead of Krishna Goddes Yogamaya slept with Yashoda as a female child. When he dared to kill the eighth child, the child flew into the sky and burst into laughter, blazing like a divine star. She taunted saying that the ‘Kamsa the child who is going to kill you has already incarnated at Ambaadi. It is that child who is the incarnation of the goddess Yogamaya, who is performed as Uchitta Bhagwati Theyyam. Goddess Yogamaya incarnates in many forms to help Lord Vishnu in the act of creation.
Another story about the origin of Uchitta Bhagwati is as follows. When the embers that fell from the divine jyotis of Lord Agni fell on the lotus as the seat of Lord Brahma, a very beautiful goddess was born from it. Lord Brahma offered that goddess to Lord Shiva from there through Lord Kama. Later, according to the wish of Bhumi Devi, the Goddess came to earth and took human form to take care of the rest of the people. It is believed that the same goddess is later worshiped as Uchitta Bhagwati. It is believed that Uchitta Bhagwati’s Theyam sits on the fire, lies down and plays with the embers because she was born on a fire ember.
Uchitta Bhagwati is considered as the favorite goddess of women. There are many people who pray to Uchitta Bhagwati for child luck.