
Pulachamundi is a Theyam with fierce look, who belongs to the group of mother gods. Pula Chamundi Theyyam is performed only in very rare places.

The origin of the name Chamundi is derived from the meaning of Goddess Kali who killed the evil and powerful Asura brothers named Chandan and Mundan. Shumbha Nishumbhan, who had received the boon from Lord Brahma that only women could kill him, was destroying all the three worlds, while Chandan and mundan was their servant and joined in all the evil deeds. In this issue, Devas approached Goddess Parvati, and Goddess Parvati, overwhelmed by the grief of the gods, prepared for assassination. Kali, the fierce idol, arose from the goddess Parvati, who incarnated for the asuras death. In the fierce battle Kali Killed Shumba and Nishumbhas. The Chandan and mundasn were attracted by the beauty of Goddess Parvati. The Chandamundas came with a huge army to subdue the mighty goddess. Kali enraged at this, fought them. As the battle raged on, the Chandamundans fled and hid in the underworld, unable to withstand Kali’s power. But Kali followed them and reached the underworld and killed both of them. Thus Kali, who killed the Chandamundas, was called Devi Chamundi by Parvati. Thus Kali, who killed the Chandamundas, was called Devi Chamundi by Parvati. Pula Chamundi Theyam is an important Theyam in Kannur Kasaragod districts in this Kali concept.

Pulachamundi Theiyam is very similar to Karinchamundi Theiyam in form and texture. Parana ceremony is also present in Pula Chamundi Theyyyam as seen in Karinchamundi Theyat.

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