
In the past, during the time of the local kings, their territories were divided by demarcation for administrative convenience, and such places are called swarupams. Theyam mainly existed in such fourteen swarupas. Each swarupa had a clan god of that swarupa, like the ancestral clan god.

Kola swarup, Nidiyiruppu swarup, Thekkan Kutti swarup, Vadakkan Kutti swarup, Allada swarup, Chuzhali swarup, randu thara swarup, Pratara swarup, Kadaththanadu swarup, Kumbazha swarup, Kottayam swarup, Maipadi swarup, Kurungothu swarup, Kurumbaranad swarupa are the forteen swarupas where Theyyam exists.

Kola swarupam is ruled by King Kolathiri, which was Chirakal’s headquarters. Madai Kavilamma is the family deity here.

Chuzhali Swarupa is the Swarupa near the Thalipparamba and Chuzhali Bhagavathy is the clan deity here.

Kottayam Swarupa is the Swarupa ruled by King Veera Pazassi. Porkali Bhagwati is the clan deity here.

Kshethra palakan and Kalaratriyamma are clan deities of Allada svarupa, Someswari Devi is clan deity for Neriotu svarupa, Lokanar Kavilamma is clan deity for Katthannad svarupa and Kurathiamma is clan deity for Kumbha svarupa.

Chuzhali, Vadkkan Kutti, Thekkan Kutti and Neriyotu swaroops togather are called Kolathu naalu swarupas

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