Kalari study in brief

Although an ancient martial art, the study of Kalari is organized in a very systematic and scientific manner. Kalari study is mainly classified into four stages. These four stages are Body practice, Stick practice, Weapon practice and bare hand practice. The Kalari version of these stages are Meythari, Kolthari, Ankathari and Verumkai. In addition to the above stages, the last part of the Kalari study also includes some Marma Vidya, Uzhichil and Treatment. This system of Kalari treatment is sufficient to a certain extent to cure minor injuries which may occur naturally in the study of Kalari.

Kalari Payat is practiced in Gurukula style. The place where Kalari Kalaripayattu is practiced by the Guru orally is called Kalari. Guru and Shishyas considers Kalari to be very blessed like a temple.

Maythaari is the first stage of Kalaripayat as described above. Maythaari is meant to make the body capable and flexible enough to handle intense caloric exercise. Students learn the techniques of ascent, descent, pouring and reverse through Maythaari.

After learning Meythari, you can enter the second stage, Kolthari. Pantheeran, Muchan and Otta clans are there in Kolthari. The dexterity needed to use the weapon is taught through the Kolthari before starting the actual weaponry. By the end of Mayrgaru and Kolthari, the student will have learned to attack with agility and to evade attacks quickly.

The third stage, Ankathari, involves training with real weapons. Weapons like spear, sword, shield, urumi and mace are used for training. In ancient times, Ankathari also included Bow and Arrows, but over time, Bow and Arrows became alienated from Kalari.

The fourth and final step in the exercise is the bare hand practice. This includes bare-handed sparring and bare-handed sparring with an armed opponent. Only those who clear the first three steps can easily learn bare hand piatt.

Only by looking at the character qualities of the disciples, the gurus tell the dangerous techniques like Marma Vidya. Gurus impart highly dangerous occult techniques to disciples only after ensuring that they will not be used for selfish gain.

It is generally considered that it is best to sit Kalari for learning at the age of seven. Since the body is very flexible at a young age, calori training is relatively easier for children compared to adults. The study of Kalari begins with giving the Dakshina to Guru, with the Guru’s blessings.

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