Gulikan is a very important Theyam that is performed all over North Kerala. The origin of Gulikan is related to the story of Markandeya, a devotee of Lord Shiva.
The monk Mrigandu, a devotee of Lord Shiva, prayed to Lord Shiva and did penance for a child. Lord Shiva appeared and blessed Mrigandu to give birth to a son. But there was a stipulation in the blessing that either a long-lived, mindless son, or a divine son who lived only sixteen years, should choose one of these boons. Mrigandu asked Paramshiva that a divine child, even for a short time, was enough, and thus Mrigandu gave birth to Markandeya, who grew up to be a great devotee of Shiva.
On the day Markandeya turned sixteen, Kalan, the god of death, came to kill him. Kalan threw his weapon Pasa at Markandeya to kill him. At that time, Markandeya sat praying to Mahadev, hugging the Shivalinga he was worshiping. Thus, the curse of time that pasa weapon fell on the Shivalinga as well. Angered by this Lord Shiva opened his third eye and burnt Kalan to ashes. Thus began the ageless days on earth and death ceased. When no one died, the goddess Earth could not bear the multitude of people. As a remedy for this Lord Shiva split his left leg and created another Kalan, that is Gulikan. Lord Shiva gave Gulikan the trident and Kalapasa and sent him to Earth to perform Kala’s work.
Gulikan Theyyam is performed in most places in North Kerala, Malayar, Pulayar, Mavilar and Nalikathaya communities mainly perform Gulikan Theiyam, Gulikan is the clan god of the Malaya community. Karinkalash and Kozhi Aravu are important in Gulikan Theiyam rituals. It is believed that Gulikan is present in all actions in a person’s life from birth to death.
Gulikan is the deity who walk at noon, dusk and midnight. It is believed that the direct sight of the Gulikan can even cause death. Gulikan, Marana Gulikan, Vadakkan Gulikan, Thekkan Gulikan, Kara Gulikan, Pula Gulikan, Chaukar Gulikan, Ayiti Gulikan, Japa Gulikan, Ummitta Gulikan, Anthi Gulikan, Pathira Gulikan are various forms of Gulikan performance. It is believed that Gulikan exists in one hundred and one forms, although the concepts are one.