Dhooma Bhagavathi

Dhuma Bhagavathy is an important Theyam among the Mantra Murthys. Dhuma Bhagavatiyam is mainly performed in Brahmin Illams. Dhooma Bhagavathym is worn with a very fierce look with fireballs on his hair and waist.

Dhuma Bhagavathy is the first of the seven deities born from Lord Shiva’s Homa place. The name Dhuma Bhagwati came from the fact that she was born with the smoke leaves of Homa place. Dhuma Bhagwati is worshiped in Bhadrakali concept and Varahi concept. Dhuma Bhagavati Theyam is also worn with a face covering similar to Varaha(pig) when tied to the Varahi concept.

It is believed that Dhuma Bhagwati came to the earth to take care of the rest of the people after taking the blessings of Mahadeva after Asura Nigraha and joined the Adoor Mantrashala in Malanadu. Later, the goddess stayed in Maipadi palace and in the houses of Madhur and Pathillam (Ten Bhrahmins home) Tantris. Devi traveled south and stopped at many Brahmin temples in places like Thimiri and Vadassery Kaithapram.

People belonging to the Vannan, Malayan, Velan, and Nalkkathaya communities perform Dhuma Bhagavathi theyyam. There obvious difference in appearance of when different communities and different swarupas(local kindoms) perform Dumha bhagvathi theyyam.

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